Friday, July 20, 2007

Nail Nutrition

As everyone of us habitually looks after the face, don't forget the nail though.

Some great tips here for you to have more stronger and healthier nail.

-Make sure you are getting enough
vitamin A that fights dryness and brittleness in your nails.
Dark green vegetables such as brocolli, spinach, turnip greens, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes
and pumpkins.
Yellow vegetables such as cantaloupe and apricots.
Animal source such as liver, low fat milk and eggs.

Protein prevents white bands across your nails.
Select skinless white meat chicken and turkey or fish to cut the fat and still meet the
nutritional needs.

Folid Acid helps fight hangnails.
Asparagus, oranges, strawberries, cantaloupe, melon, sunflower seeds and beans.

Water Drinking lots of water everyday not only helps you lose weight and feel full but helps
your nails grow healthy and strong.

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