Thursday, October 11, 2007

A brand new look

Hey! I think it's the time for me to come back here.

It's not that I want to abondon this site of mine. It's just that I have all those stuffs to finish off, and I need to put some efforts in my self-learning and catch up as much as I could.

Well, almost there.

Today, I come back with a brand new look of my site. I am quite satisfied actually as it turned up to a site that carrying much more love and care.

So, I will be here constantly. How about you?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Build your muscle in 10 minutes

Getting bored of doing all those weight lifting at gym for long hours?

Come and try this tip that is not long enough to tax your nervous systems and prompt overtraining,yet long enough to really last a muscle groups.

Break up your workouts into one body part per mini session.

morning ~6 sets of chest work~10 minutes.
afternoon~6 sets of back work~10 minutes.
evening ~6 sets of bicep work~10 minutes.

Morning ~6 sets of leg work ~ 10 minutes.
afternoon~6 sets of shoulder work ~ 10 minutes.
evening ~6 sets of tricep work ~ 10 minutes.

Repeat monday's workout.

shed off your fat easier than ever

Have been trying all ways of shedding off your stubborn fat?

Well, break up your carbs, proteins and fats into seperate meals throughout the day.

Use this trick for a few days at a time, it will create some interesting changes in your body chemistry which can included increased fat-burning.

This is actually a food combining that can improve your digestion. As we all know that the greater our digestion, the greater our fat burning.

Start with carbs in the morning, proteins in the afternoon, and fats in the evening.

For example, consume 100% of your alloted calories for that meal from unrefined carbs such as oatmeal, yams or brown rice for your first two meals.

For your next two meals, you may consume tuna fish, chicken breast, turkey breast, whey and other very lean proteins.

End the day with 2 large salads with several teaspoons of olive oil. Use some balsamic vinegar with these salads if you like.

Using this trick a few days a week will give you a kick in the fat-burning pant in several ways.

Try it.

Monday, August 06, 2007

ways to avoid injury in any sport

When we are so concern about doing the exercise, we need to avoid the injury though.

Everybody's physical strength level is different. you should always pay fully attention and be alert to your own body.

Always let your body be in charge of how hard you push yourself instead of a trainer or instructor.

Obey your body, not your trainer or instructor.

Listen to your own body. Only YOU know your body best.

After all, the purpose of any exercise programe should be better health, not sprain and tears and suffering.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Increase fat burning

Are you always complaining of long workout but just got the slow result that you are not expecting for?

Then, you need to get your body into fat burning more quickly.

Go fasting before you do the cardio, you are burning almost from the first minute of exercise.

10 minutes Cardio Drills

Lack of time is always one the more common excuses people make for not exercising.

Yet, any one can find their 10 minutes here and there.

Do a brisk walk, simple stairs(walk up and down for 10 minutes)a day or any number of cardio devices, you will be amazed that your ' lack of time' excuse get your fat burned up at the same time.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


As our life are severely getting with those known and unknown stress, meditation seems to be a great stress reducer to us.

Studies showed that the brain doesn't shut off when meditates but rather blocks information from coming into a certain portion of it-the parietal lobe. And it slows blood flow to all portions of the brain but the lymbic system, which generates emotions and memories and regulates heart rate, respiratory rate and metablolism.

It works beautifully as an antidote to stress and it can train the mind and reshape the brain.

Sounds fantastic. Yes, try it to get an experience on it.

It's simple. You don't have to be someone or find a monastery or with any special attire to put on.

Just a place that you could sit down quietly.
-Close your eyes,
-Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose,
-As you exhale (slowly), say a word/phrase that has a soothing sound. eg.,"a.../e.../u..."

Start with 10 minutes session. Increase gradually if desired.

Try to meditate often, it really makes you feel good.

Monday, July 23, 2007

The secret of beauty

To get impressed is always what we are covetous of.

Yet, do you over look what's the secret of beauty?

Simple but effective~~Smiling and Feeling Good in yourself.

Always keep a smile on your face. This will not only help you to look good but also get away your tension in your face muscle.

If you look great, you feel great. And feeling great really boosts your self-confidence. Learning to look in the mirror and be happy with yourself.

I have learnt a lot and feel hugely more confident and am beginning to feel there is life after my 40.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Get strong by squatting

Ever know that you will get strong by squatting?

Yes, the answer is definitely.

So, get yourself familiarized with the exercise below.

-Stand about 1.5 feet away from a wall.
-Feet apart as wide as your hips.
-With your weight on your heels.
-Lean back slightly until your shoulders and upperback touch the wall.
-Now slowly lower yourself down (as if you were to sit on a chair),until your thighs are parallel with the ground or until your legs form a 90 degree angle.
-In the seated position, your back-from the shoulder blades to the lower rib cage should lightly rest agaist the wall.
-Hold this position as long as you can, stand back up and repeat.

Once you have mastered the form, kick it up a notch by adding resistance with hand weights.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Try Yoga

I know apparently that when night time nerves keep you awake, your days can be long.

I faced the problem for years, it's really a bitter suffering. I know you tried sleeping pills as I did, but you are not doomed to sleepless nights until your anxiety eases.

Suffering from insomnia for so many years, I have tried all ways and even with sleeping pills can still make me alert. I thought I was doomed to that in my life until I try YOGA.

It's really true that the most effective sleeping pill is the peace of mind. Yet, there are so much things that made us so stress that we just couldn't free our mind.

Try yoga, trust me.

Yoga is a moving form meditation that triggers body relaxation response and lowers stress levels. It can melt stress away as a natural stress buster.

Beside this, it will also improve overall strength including upper and lower body strength. I have now become very interested in yoga as it let me stay more flexible and supple that in turn helped me avoid much of the tightness and pains. It has helped to reduce my stress and I am able to focus my mind better.

So, go and try the yoga. I am sure you will love it.

Nail Nutrition

As everyone of us habitually looks after the face, don't forget the nail though.

Some great tips here for you to have more stronger and healthier nail.

-Make sure you are getting enough
vitamin A that fights dryness and brittleness in your nails.
Dark green vegetables such as brocolli, spinach, turnip greens, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes
and pumpkins.
Yellow vegetables such as cantaloupe and apricots.
Animal source such as liver, low fat milk and eggs.

Protein prevents white bands across your nails.
Select skinless white meat chicken and turkey or fish to cut the fat and still meet the
nutritional needs.

Folid Acid helps fight hangnails.
Asparagus, oranges, strawberries, cantaloupe, melon, sunflower seeds and beans.

Water Drinking lots of water everyday not only helps you lose weight and feel full but helps
your nails grow healthy and strong.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tips to stay young

There's no other way to stop us for getting old. Yet, we have tips for us to stay young.

Remember, there's always a good result for every effort we've made.

-Use salt scrub for our arms, legs and feets.
-Use SPF 50 year around.
-Eat whole grain and organic food.
-No fake ingredients.
-Laughing-a MUST in our life. No matter how, give yourself an optimistical life.
-Music everyday. Fill your days with music and lead your life with relaxing.
-Get yourself Vitamin E and coral calcium supplements.
-Drink a lot of water.
-Don't forget the protein intake.
-3 NO NOs- No soda, no caffeine, no smoking .
-Exercise everyday. Exercise with young people, stay positive.
-Sleep. Remember to have enough good sleep.
-Check by getting PH test strips to test your alkaline levels in the body. Keep your optimal level
at 6.8-7.0.

Well, enough tips for you to stay young. Stick to them and keep yourself FOREVER YOUNG.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Do you walk always?
Do you love walking?
Do you enjoy your walking? many answers...

Many of us tend to be lazy and there's always a lot of good excuses for ourselves.

The lack of exercise is causing us overweight and at higher risk for diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, stroke and cancer...

So, think about it.
Walking do improve your health.

For those who find NO TIME to exercise or don't feel comfortable to the gym centre, a brisk walking for 30 minutes a day is definitely good for you.


Well, through walking, you will

-Lower your level of LDL bad cholesterol.
-Lower your high blood pressure.
-Help losing weight and maintain the loss.
-Reduce risk of strokes.
-build up muscle strengthen and flexibility.
-It strengthens the heart.
-Improves self-exteem and relieves symptons of depression and anxiety.
-It boosts your energy levels.
-It strengthens joints and bones, reduces lower back pain.
-It helps to sleep better, function better and feel better.

With much of the benefits, won't you have a desire to go walking?

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Get a sculpt sexy arms

I love to wear sleeveless, may be because under the influence of my mom. I prefer sleeveless and colarless most of the time.

I was aware to see my arms became flabbier due to age related muscle loss. Sad ya?!
Well, I won't let things happened so easily. I am just in my age of 40. Still young, right? Although there's always a saying that focus on your inner beauty is much more important than the outer look, I do agree. But why not get myself into a confident outlook as well when there is a possibility.

I tried these, and I am much impressed with the results.

-20 biceps curls with 2kg weights.
Stand straight, keeping your elbows at your sides, bend your arms and lift the weight to your
shoulder, then lower.

-20 triceps kick-backs with 2kg weights.
Bend forward at a 90 degrees angle and place the weights by your hips. Extent your arms
behind you, then back to your hips.

-20 front and side shoulder raises with 2kg weights.
Keeping your arms straight. Lift the weights in front of you to shoulder height, then lower.
Repeat, lifting weights to side.

-20 rear-deltoid lifts with 2kg weights.
Stand with your feet together and bend forward at a 90 degrees angle. Lift the weights straight
out to your sides to shoulder height, then lower.

Do these in 2 sets with 15 reps.

Well, give it a try if you really aim for a sculpt sexy arms.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Leading a better quality of life

As exercise is getting focus nowadays, most of us tend to have the knowledge of how to get the ways to lead a better quality of life.

As fitness centres are set up rapidly here and there, there's a trend that many of us are comfortable to go to gym centre to have our workout. It's a benefit for you to know that the perfect workout routine is one that combines strength training and some form of cardio.

Why is that neccessary to add cardio to your workouts? Well, as most of us know the benefits of strength training can add muscle that make us healthier, more lean and stronger overall. It helps us to reduce stress.

Besides reducing stress, it also:

-burns calories which leads to weight loss.
-makes your heart and lungs stronger.
-reduces your risk of certain deseases.
-reduces depression and increases confidence.
-gives you more energy and helps you sleep better.

By summing up these benefits, combine this with strength training, will on your way to feeling great and leading a better quality of life.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Covet the shapely, sexy toned arms?

Ever covet the shapely, sexy toned arms? I did.

Before the realization of my poor health condition, I never put the concentration on any exercise. Back then, I know it's the time I should be aware of my health, I started to read and search the articles in order to gain back the optimal health.

I came across to know that it's indeed fantastic to have the exercise in our schedule. Then, I came to know a lot of exercises like step aerobic, spinning, cardio mix, kick boxing, yoga, pilate, strength training, stretching..., and how to work out so as to get myself in good condition.

Most of the times, knowledge will apparently increase in the aspect as we get involved in it. So, share with you the knows that I gathered to a shapely, sexy toned arms.

It's unevitable to lose our skin elasticity with age. Yet, through a healthful diet and engage in regular cardiovascular activity, staying well-hydrated, not smoking, it helps to reduce down the process. With additional strength training that build up the muscles, it helps to minimize the arm jiggle.

So, get prepared to do this exercise 3 times a week.

Karate Punching-Holding 1 kg dumbbells in each hand. Raise your arms to shoulder level in a controlled manner and start punching for about 50 reps.

Tricep dips-Sit on a bench or chair with your hands shoulder width apart and gripping the front edge of the seat. Extent your legs in front of you, with your heels on the floor and your hips off the seat. From this position, dip slowly, making sure your upper arms don't go below your elbows. Aim for 2 sets of 15-20reps.

Tricep kickbacks-From a standing position, holding 2.5kg to 5kg dumbbells. Bend forward from the waist about 45degrees with elbows at your sides, lift the weights up toward your shoulder and then extent them back. Aim for 2 sets of 15 reps.

Bicep curls-Do 2 sets of 15reps with 2.5kg - 5kg dumbbells from a seated position.

Shoulder Press-Stand with your hands next to your ears, facing in and holding 2.5kg-5kg dumbbells, elbows to the sides. Raise the weights up and then straight back down. Do 2 sets of 12reps.

Get familiarized with it. Promise, it helps.

Start my busy blogging life

For the intention of earning some extra money, I began my blogging life.

I have been with Wordpress quite a few months. Surprisingly, I found myself getting happier with the life of blogging.
Since I started my site with them at, though it's a free platform that not allowed us to put any commercial ads or affiliate programmes on it, yet, I found a way to have my emotions and feelings pour out and I have gained quite a lot of things along the way.

Till now, though I have created some other sites, I still go back to it and have posts on it regularly. May be it's been a habitual practice or may be has affectionated with it...

I know I will start a busy life with blogging...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My third home

Here, Impression, a third home of mine, will share something with you.