Wednesday, July 25, 2007


As our life are severely getting with those known and unknown stress, meditation seems to be a great stress reducer to us.

Studies showed that the brain doesn't shut off when meditates but rather blocks information from coming into a certain portion of it-the parietal lobe. And it slows blood flow to all portions of the brain but the lymbic system, which generates emotions and memories and regulates heart rate, respiratory rate and metablolism.

It works beautifully as an antidote to stress and it can train the mind and reshape the brain.

Sounds fantastic. Yes, try it to get an experience on it.

It's simple. You don't have to be someone or find a monastery or with any special attire to put on.

Just a place that you could sit down quietly.
-Close your eyes,
-Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose,
-As you exhale (slowly), say a word/phrase that has a soothing sound. eg.,"a.../e.../u..."

Start with 10 minutes session. Increase gradually if desired.

Try to meditate often, it really makes you feel good.

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