Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tips to stay young

There's no other way to stop us for getting old. Yet, we have tips for us to stay young.

Remember, there's always a good result for every effort we've made.

-Use salt scrub for our arms, legs and feets.
-Use SPF 50 year around.
-Eat whole grain and organic food.
-No fake ingredients.
-Laughing-a MUST in our life. No matter how, give yourself an optimistical life.
-Music everyday. Fill your days with music and lead your life with relaxing.
-Get yourself Vitamin E and coral calcium supplements.
-Drink a lot of water.
-Don't forget the protein intake.
-3 NO NOs- No soda, no caffeine, no smoking .
-Exercise everyday. Exercise with young people, stay positive.
-Sleep. Remember to have enough good sleep.
-Check by getting PH test strips to test your alkaline levels in the body. Keep your optimal level
at 6.8-7.0.

Well, enough tips for you to stay young. Stick to them and keep yourself FOREVER YOUNG.

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